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Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 29: e54500, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1529191


RESUMO Discute-se a relação entre homossexualidade, religião e família, a partir da Psicologia Sócio-histórica. Busca-se investigar, por meio de uma análise fílmica, os sentidos e significados apresentados pela família, em relação à homossexualidade. Para tanto, utiliza-se a produção filmográfica Orações para Bobby, como um documento cultural, datado historicamente, que permite evidenciar as formas de vivências psicossociais. Nesta proposição, metodologicamente são adotados procedimentos de identificação, recorte, descrição e interpretação de cenas emblemáticas. Desse modo, realizaram-se a identificação, o recorte e a localização temporal, a descrição detalhada de textos das cenas com seus aspectos visuais e auditivos e construíram-se três categorias de análise das 16 cenas emblemáticas selecionadas: significados de religião, homossexualidade e família; significado de homossexualidade e suicídio; e impactos intergeracionais do signo da homossexualidade. Os resultados indicam que a relação entre a homossexualidade assumida, dogmas religiosos e família tradicional podem desencadear atos suicidas com motivação volitiva e consciente; as acepções de signo, sentidos, significado, mediação e internalização contribuíram para compreender o impacto que os conceitos da homossexualidade, socialmente construídos, incidem na vivência da sexualidade de jovens homossexuais e seus relacionamentos afetivos no âmbito social e familiar. O significado da homossexualidade apresenta-se de forma pejorativa, com força de materialidade histórica e de manutenção hegemônica de ideias, por meio de grupos conservadores, que encontram na família um lugar afetuoso e subjetivo, de reprodução fértil, ao passo que coletivos identitários, como a comunidade LGBTQIA+, buscam espaços para o debate político com avanços e rupturas dessas noções, historicamente construídas, no processo de significação da sexualidade.

RESUMEN. Se discute la relación entre la homosexualidad, religión y familia, establecido em la psicologia sociohistórica. Busca indagar, a través de un análisis fílmico, los sentidos y significados presentados por la familia, en relación a la homosexualidad. Para esto, se usa la producción cinematográfica, Oraciones por Bobby como documento histórico y cultural que permite ressaltar las formas de las experiencias psicosociales. En esta proposición se adoptan metodologicamente procedimientos de identificación, recorte, descripción e interpretación de escenas emblemáticas. De este modo, se cosntruyeron tres categorías de análisis de las 16 escenas emblemáticas seleccionadas: significados de religión, homosexualidad y familia; significado de homosexualidad y suicido y los impactos intereracionales de los signos de la homosexualidad. Los resultados indican que larelación entre la homosexualidad asumida, los dogmas religiosos y la familia tradicional puede desencadenar actos suicidas com motivación volitiva y consciente; los significados del signo, los sentidos, el significado, la mediación y la internalización contribuyeron a la comprensióndel impacto que los conceptos de homosexualidad, construidos socialmente, tienen en la experiencia de la sexualidad de los jóvenes homosexuales y sus relaciones afectivas en la esfera social y familiar. Finalmente, se considera que la producción cinematográfica anima las discusiones sobre temas y fenómenos complejos, conorígenes históricas y representaciones persistentes, en el cualmoviliza nuevas formas de pensar y construir lo social; el significado de la homosexualidad se presenta de manera peyorativa , com lafuerza de la materialidade histórica y el mantenimiento hegemónico de las ideas, a través de grupos conservadores, que encuentran en la família un lugar, cariñoso y subjetivo, de reproducción fértil, mientras que los colectivos de identidad, la comunidad LGBTQIA+ busca espacios para el debate político y los avances y rupturas de estas nociones, historicamente construidas, en el processo de significar la sexualidad. Se insertan nuevos componentes, a través de las historias de personas que intercambian visiones y palabras impregnadas de sentido, que se reformulan constantemente.

ABSTRACT The relationship among homosexuality, religion and family is discussed, based on Socio-historical Psychology. For this purpose, the movie Prayers for Bobby is used as a cultural document, historically dated, which allows highlighting the forms of psychosocial experiences. Three categories of analysis of the 16 selected emblematic scenes were constructed: meanings of religion, homosexuality and family; the meaning of homosexuality and suicide; and intergenerational impacts of the homosexuality sign. The results indicate that the relationship among assumed homosexuality, religious dogma and the traditional family can trigger suicidal acts with volitional and conscious motivation; the sign, senses, meaning, mediation and internalization approaches have contributed to understanding the impact that socially constructed concepts of homosexuality have on the experience of young homosexuals sexuality and their affective relationships in the social and family spheres. Finally, it is considered that cinematographic production encourages discussions of complex issues and phenomena with persistent origins and historical representations, which mobilize new ways of thinking and constructing society. Homosexual meaning is set out pejoratively, with the strength of historical materiality and hegemonic maintenance of ideas, through conservative groups, who find an affectionate and subjective, fertile reproduction place in the family. In contrast, identity collectives, the LGBTQIA+ community, seek spaces for political debate and advances and ruptures of historically constructed notions in the process of signifying sexuality. The individuals' stories exchanging visions and words are inserted with new components constantly reformulated with meaning.

Religion , Family/psychology , Homosexuality, Male/psychology , Psychology , Suicide/psychology , Sexuality/psychology , Sexual and Gender Minorities/psychology , Motion Pictures
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e264982, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1529201


A violência por parceiro íntimo (VPI) consiste em atos que ameacem causar ou efetivamente causem danos em um parceiro dentro de uma relação afetivo-sexual, independente da configuração ou tempo do relacionamento ou de haver coabitação ou não entre as partes. Nas relações homossexuais, a VPI é invisibilizada de diversas maneiras, mesmo sendo reconhecida como uma grave violação de direitos humanos. O estudo objetivou compreender os significados da VPI para um grupo de homens que se relacionam com homens (HRH). Participaram da pesquisa oito HRH, selecionados através da técnica "bola de neve", utilizada devido à sensibilidade do tema, considerando os estigmas de ser HRH. Os dados foram obtidos através de entrevista semiestruturada e foram analisados pela Análise Temática. Como resultados, foram construídas seis categorias: 1º) O armário; 2º) Homofobia 3º) Racismo, poder e vulnerabilidade a VPI; 4º) Sexualidade; 5º) Infidelidade; 6º) HIV, que discutem a interseccionalidade de diversas formas de opressão na produção de VPI entre HRH. Conclui-se que a VPI vivenciada por esse grupo é influenciada por diversos fatores que envolvem a interseccionalidade de vários marcadores sociais, como os estereótipos de masculinidade em relação a hipersexualização e infidelidade, a homofobia como fator direto do estresse minoritário, o racismo que hierarquiza os corpos e invisibiliza o afeto de homens negros, e o estigma de HIV no imaginário social.(AU)

Intimate partner violence (IPV) consists of acts that threaten to harm or actually harm to a partner within an affective-sexual relationship, regardless of the configuration or duration of the relationship or whether or not there is cohabitation between the parties. In homosexual relationships, IPV is made invisible in several ways, even though it is recognized as a serious violation of human rights. The study aimed to understand the meanings of IPV for a group of men in same sex relationships (MSSR). Eight MSSR participated in the research, selected by snowball sampling, used due to the topic's sensitivity, considering the stigmas involved in being MSSR. Data were constructed via semi-structured interviews and analyzed using Thematic Analysis. As a result, six categories were constructed: 1) The closet persons; 2) Homophobia; 3) Racism, power, and vulnerability to IPV; 4) Sexuality; 5) Infidelity; 6) HIV, which discuss the intersectionality of various forms of oppression in the production of IPV among MSSR. Thus, the IPV experienced by this group is influenced by several factors that involve the intersectionality between different social markers, such as stereotypes of masculinity in relation to hypersexualization and infidelity, homophobia as a direct factor of minority stress, the racism that hierarchizes bodies and makes the affection of Black men and the stigma of HIV invisible in the social imaginary.(AU)

La violencia de pareja (VP) consiste en actos que amenazan con causar o de hecho causan daño a una pareja dentro de una relación afectivo-sexual, independientemente de la configuración o duración de la relación o de si existe o no cohabitación entre las partes. En las relaciones homosexuales, la VP se invisibiliza de varias formas, a pesar de que se reconoce como una grave violación de los derechos humanos. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo comprender los significados de VP para un grupo de hombres que se relacionan con hombres (HRH). Ocho HRH participaron de la investigación, seleccionados mediante la técnica de "bola de nieve", utilizada debido a la sensibilidad del tema, considerando los estigmas de ser HRH. Los datos se construyeron mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas y se sometieron a análisis temático. Como resultado se construyeron seis categorías: 1.ª) El armario; 2.º) Homofobia; 3.º) Racismo, poder y vulnerabilidad a la VP; 4.º) Sexualidad; 5.º) Infidelidad; 6.ª) HIV; que discuten la interseccionalidad de diferentes formas de opresión en la producción de VP entre HRH. Se concluye que la VP vivida por este grupo está influida por varios factores que involucran la interseccionalidad entre distintos marcadores sociales, como los estereotipos de masculinidad en relación con la hipersexualización y la infidelidad, la homofobia como factor directo de estrés minoritario, el racismo que jerarquiza cuerpos e invisibiliza en el imaginario social el afecto de los hombres negros y el estigma del HIV en el imaginario social.(AU)

Humans , Male , Power, Psychological , Marriage , Masculinity , Intimate Partner Violence , Psychological Distress , Men , Paraphilic Disorders , Prejudice , Primary Health Care , Psychology , Rape , Rejection, Psychology , Self Concept , Sexual Behavior , Sex Offenses , Shame , Social Problems , Spouse Abuse , Awareness , Therapeutics , Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms , Family , Sexually Transmitted Diseases , Mental Health , Prevalence , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome , Sexual Harassment , Condoms , Interview , Domestic Violence , Homosexuality, Male , Hazards , Safe Sex , Dangerous Behavior , Aggression , Racial Groups , Dependency, Psychological , Unsafe Sex , Diagnosis , Alcoholism , Erotica , Family Conflict , Family Relations , Fear , Pleasure , Social Stigma , Sexual Health , Racism , Sexism , Social Marginalization , Criminal Behavior , Defamation , Social Oppression , Sexual Vulnerability , Androcentrism , Gender Stereotyping , Embarrassment , Emotional Abuse , Gender Equity , Genital Diseases , Family Structure , Guilt , Handling, Psychological , Homicide , Hostility , Jealousy
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e255290, 2023. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1529217


Os jogos digitais são considerados um ambiente de privilégio masculino que exalta o padrão heteronormativo de masculinidade. A partir da Teoria das Representações Sociais, buscamos identificar as diferentes formas de expressão e ancoragens da homofobia a partir de princípios organizadores, nos discursos dos fãs do jogo League of Legends (LoL) na rede social Facebook. Foram selecionados 470 comentários publicados em 2017, os quais foram analisados com apoio do Iramuteq (software de análise lexicométrica) por meio de uma classificação hierárquica descendente, resultando em quatro classes: "Debate sobre a sexualidade dos campeões" (14,9%), "Representatividade no LoL" (29,8%), "Confronto entre as histórias de Varus" (39%), e "Estratégia empresarial" (16,2%). Os resultados evidenciam a existência de um conflito intergrupal, mediado pelo processo de ameaça simbólica: enquanto alguns comentários, realizados majoritariamente por homens heterossexuais, se utilizam do preconceito sutil para perpetuar a manutenção da heteronormatividade, outros comentários reforçam a importância da representação da diversidade nos jogos digitais.(AU)

Digital games are considered an environment of male privilege that promotes heteronormative standard of masculinity. Based on the Theory of Social Representations, we seek to identify, based on organizing principles, the forms of expression and anchorages processes related to homophobia within the speeches of the fans of the game League of Legends (LoL), on Facebook. A total of 470 comments published in 2017 were selected to be then analyzed with support from IRAMUTEQ software (lexicometric analysis software), which resulted in four classes: "Debate on the sexuality of champions" (14.9%), "Representativeness in LoL" (29.8%), "Confrontation between the stories of Varus" (39%), and "Business strategy" (16.2%). The results show intergroup conflict that is mediated by the process of symbolic threat: some comments, which are mostly from heterosexual men, carry aspects of covert prejudice to perpetuate the maintenance of heteronormative standards, whereas other comments reinforce the importance of representing diversity in digital games.(AU)

Los juegos digitales son un entorno de privilegio masculino que enaltece el estándar heteronormativo de la masculinidad. Con base en la Teoría de las Representaciones Sociales, buscamos identificar las formas de expresión y anclaje de la homofobia a partir de principios organizativos en los discursos de aficionados del juego League of Legends (LoL) en la red social Facebook. Se seleccionaron 470 comentarios publicados en 2017, que pasaron por el análisis en IRAMUTEQ (software de análisis lexicométrico) mediante una clasificación jerárquica descendiente la cual dio como resultado cuatro clases: "Debate sobre la sexualidad de campeones" (14,9%), "Representatividad en LoL" (29,8%), "Confrontación entre las historias de Varus" (39%) y "Estrategia comercial" (16,2%). Los resultados muestran un conflicto intergrupal, mediado por la amenaza simbólica; mientras que algunos comentarios, hechos en su mayoría por hombres heterosexuales, utilizan prejuicios sutiles para perpetuar el mantenimiento de la heteronormatividad, otros comentarios refuerzan la importancia de representar la diversidad en los juegos digitales.(AU)

Humans , Male , Video Games , Hazards , Gender Norms , Exergaming , Personality , Aptitude , Psychology , Psychology, Social , Rejection, Psychology , Religion , Self Concept , Social Behavior , Social Problems , Socioeconomic Factors , Sociology , Stereotyping , Taboo , Violence , Women , Behavior , Brazil , Bisexuality , Family , Ceremonial Behavior , Communications Media , Homosexuality, Male , Homosexuality, Female , Privacy , Internet , Crime , Culture , Psychosocial Impact , Ethical Relativism , Marketing , Ego , Erotica , Population Studies in Public Health , Ethics , Evaluation Studies as Topic , Social Stigma , Social Media , Racism , Sexism , Social Discrimination , Transgender Persons , Protective Factors , Harassment, Non-Sexual , Social Privilege , Monosexuality , Cisgender Persons , Transphobia , Androcentrism , Gender Stereotyping , Gender Performativity , Cyberbullying , Respect , Gender Identity , Weight Prejudice , Internet Use , Gender Equity , Gender Role , Social Representation , Social Status , Belonging , Diversity, Equity, Inclusion , Hostility , Love , Morale
Journal of Peking University(Health Sciences) ; (6): 511-520, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986883


OBJECTIVE@#To explore the discrepancy between behavioral-indicated candidacy and perceived candidacy (behavioral-perceived gap) and its associated factors of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) among men who have sex with men (MSM), so as to identify the focus population of PrEP interventions and to design and implement targeted interventions.@*METHODS@#We recruited a sample of 622 HIV-negative MSM who were regular clients of a community-based organization located in Chengdu, China, from November to December 2021. A cross-sectional questionnaire was used to collect the participants' information on social demographics, PrEP-related knowledge and cognitions, and risk behaviors. In this study, behaviorally eligible for PrEP was defined as performing at least one type of high-risk behavior in the past six months, including inconsistent condom use, sex with an HIV-positive partner, confirmed sexual transmitted infections (STI) diagnosis, substance use, and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) experience. Logistic regression models were fitted, and multivariate analyses were adjusted for social demographics.@*RESULTS@#Among the 622 eligible participants, 52.6% (327/622) were classified as behaviorally eligible for PrEP. Only 37.9% (124/327) of the participants perceived themselves as appropriate candidates for PrEP and 62.1% (203/207) had discrepancy between behavioral-indicated and perceived candidacy. 85.9% (281/327) had heard of PrEP, and 14.2% (40/281) accessed PrEP information through health care providers. Of the 327 participants eligible for behavior-indicated PrEP use, about half (47.1%) knew how to obtain PrEP medication and 33.0% had a professional PrEP counseling experience. The majority (93.3%) had no or few friends using PrEP. 54.1% scored eight or above in PrEP knowledge level. 66.7% reported having two or more sexual partners in the past six months. After adjusting for age and recruitment channel, we found six factors that were associated with perceived candidacy for PrEP, including PEP use [adjusted odds ratio (ORA)=2.20; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.33-3.63], PrEP availability (ORA=1.69; 95%CI: 1.06-2.68), a greater number of PrEP-using friends (ORA=4.92; 95%CI: 1.77-13.65), PrEP know-ledge (ORA=2.21; 95%CI: 1.38-3.56), multiple sexual partnership (ORA=1.77; 95%CI: 1.07-2.94), and perceiving a higher risk of HIV infection (ORA=4.02; 95%CI: 1.73-9.32). Substance use during sex and PrEP information channel were not statistically associated with this beha-vioral-perceived gap.@*CONCLUSION@#We observed a high discrepancy between behavioral-indicated and perceived candidacy for PrEP among Chengdu MSM in China. Future PrEP implementation efforts should be made in skills training in assessing HIV infection risk, increasing PrEP knowledge, providing professional PrEP counselling, and fostering PrEP support environment.

Male , Humans , Homosexuality, Male/psychology , HIV Infections/psychology , Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis , HIV , Cross-Sectional Studies , Sexual and Gender Minorities
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 1163-1168, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985649


In recent years, HIV infection prevalence in MSM has been in increase in China. HIV testing is the only way to identify HIV-infection, effectively curb the spread of HIV and reduce AIDS-related death risks. At present, the situation of HIV testing in MSM is not satisfactory, and expanding HIV testing is the one of the key measures for AIDS prevention and control in this population. This paper summarizes the role and strategies of expanding HIV testing in MSM in order to provide a reference for the improvement of HIV testing in this population.

Male , Humans , HIV Infections/epidemiology , Homosexuality, Male , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome , Risk-Taking , Sexual and Gender Minorities , HIV Testing , China/epidemiology
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 905-911, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985611


Objective: To understand the cognition and medication use of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) among men who have sex with men (MSM) in China and its associated factors. Method: From August 25 to September 5, 2021, 2 447 MSM were recruited in 24 cities to complete the online questionnaire through a male social interaction platform, Blued 7.5 software. The survey contents included demographic information of the respondents, PrEP awareness and usage, and risk behaviors. Descriptive analysis and multi-level logistic regression were performed for data analysis. SPSS 24.0 and SAS 9.4 software were used for statistical analysis. Results: Among the 2 447 respondents of MSM, 1 712 (69.96%) had heard of PrEP, 437 (17.86%) ever used PrEP, 274 (11.20%) were on PrEP, and 163 (6.66%) had discontinued PrEP; among the 437 cases (whoever used PrEP), more than 61.88% (388/627) adopted emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate regimen, and most of them adopted on-demand regimen. The average PrEP dosage reported in the past year is 1.12 tabletsper person per week. PrEP purchase was primarily via an online channel, and the most concerned factor was the PrEP effectiveness on HIV prevention. The most common reasons for discontinuing PrEP, reported by 163 cases, were the lack of HIV risk perception, the use of a condom to prevent HIV, and the economic burden of PrEP use. The logistic regression analysis showed that PrEP use among MSM in 24 cities was statistically associated with age, monthly income, ever having unprotected anal sex in the past year, used sexual drugs and sexually transmitted disease (STD) diagnosis in the past year. Compared with MSM aged 18-24, the proportion of MSM was relatively lower among those aged 25-44, who discontinued the PrEP (aOR=0.54,95%CI:0.34-0.87) or never used PrEP (aOR=0.62,95%CI:0.44-0.87). The proportion of unprotected anal sex among MSM currently on PrEP use was higher than those who have stopped PrEP and never used PrEP (all P<0.05). Those MSM group, with monthly income higher than 5 000 Yuan, used sexual drugs and STD diagnosis in the past year were more likely to have a higher rate for PrEP usage (all P<0.05). Conclusions: Currently, pre-exposure prophylaxis in the MSM group is primarily obtained via the online channel and adopted in an on-demand mode. Although the PrEP users have reached a certain proportion, it is still necessary to strengthen health education on the PrEP effects and side effects of MSM and to improve the awareness and use rate, especially for young MSM group, which can be combined with the advantages of the internet targeting its needs and use barriers.

Humans , Male , Homosexuality, Male , Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis , Cities , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Sexual Behavior , China , HIV Infections/prevention & control
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 802-808, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985565


Objective: To understand and analyze the incidence of club drug abuse and influencing factors in men who have sex with men (MSM) in Qingdao, and provide reference for the AIDS prevention and intervention in this population. Methods: From March 2017 to July 31, 2022, MSM who did not abuse club drug were recruited by snowball sampling of MSM social organizations in Qingdao, a prospective cohort was established, and a follow-up survey was conducted every 6 months. The survey collected the information about the MSM's demographic characteristics, sexual characteristics, club drug abuse and others. The incidence of club drug abuse was the outcome dependent variable and the interval between the recruitment into the cohort and the incidence of club drug abuse was the time dependent variable. Cox regression analysis was conducted to identify the influencing factors for club drug abuse. Results: A total of 509 MSM were recruited at baseline survey, and 369 eligible MSM were enrolled in this cohort. A total of 62 MSM began to abuse club drug during the study period, and the cumulative follow-up time was 911.54 person-years, the incidence of club drug abuse was 6.80/100 person-years. All the club drug abusers shared drugs with others in the first club drug abuse, and 16.13% (10/62) had mix-use of club drugs. The multivariate Cox proportional risk regression analysis showed that being students (aHR=2.17, 95%CI: 1.15-4.10), receiving no HIV testing or receiving 1 HIV testing during past 6 months (aHR=4.57, 95%CI:1.80-11.60; aHR=5.15, 95%CI: 2.83-9.36), having sex only with regular sexual partners during past 6 months (aHR=4.75,95%CI:2.32-9.75), having more than 4 homosexual partners (aHR=1.70, 95%CI:1.01-2.87) and abuse of club drug of sexual partners during past 6 months (aHR=12.78, 95%CI:3.06-53.35) were significantly associated with club drug abuse in the MSM. Conclusions: The incidence of club drug abuse was at a high level in the MSM cohort in Qingdao, indicating a high risk for HIV infection. Being student, receiving less HIV testing, having sex only with regular sexual partners, having more homosexual partners and abuse of club drug of sexual partners during past 6 months were risk factors for the incidence of club drug abuse in the MSM. Targeted surveillance and intervention measures should be strengthened to reduce the risk of club drug abuse in MSM.

Male , Humans , Homosexuality, Male , Cohort Studies , Illicit Drugs , Incidence , HIV Infections , Prospective Studies , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Substance-Related Disorders
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 797-801, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985564


Objective: To understand HIV self-testing and related factors in men who have sex with men (MSM) in Shijiazhuang. Methods: From August to September 2020, convenient sampling was used to recruit MSM in Shijiazhuang. Online questionnaires were used to collect information about their demographic characteristics, sexual behaviors and HIV self-testing. logistic regression model was used to analyze the related factors associated with HIV self-testing. Results: In the 304 MSM respondents, 52.3% (159/304) had HIV self-testing in the past 6 months, and 95.0% (151/159) used fingertip blood HIV detection reagent. Self-purchase was the main way to obtain HIV testing reagents (45.9%, 73/159), followed by supply from MSM social organization (44.7%, 71/159). The reasons for having HIV self-testing were non-specific testing time (67.9%, 108/159) and privacy protection (62.9%,100/159), the reasons for having no HIV self-testing included inability of using (32.4%, 47/145), being unaware of HIV self-testing reagent (24.1%, 35/145), and worry about inaccurate self-testing results (19.3%, 28/145). Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that being 18-29 years old (aOR=2.68, 95%CI: 1.20-5.94), obtaining free HIV self-testing kits in recent 6 months (aOR=8.61, 95%CI: 4.09-18.11) and making friends through Internet and social software (aOR=2.68, 95%CI: 1.48-4.88) were positive factors for having HIV self-testing. Conclusion: HIV self-testing is a more flexible and convenient way to detect HIV in MSM, and the promotion of HIV self-testing in MSM should be strengthened to further increase the HIV detection rate in this population.

Male , Humans , Adolescent , Young Adult , Adult , Homosexuality, Male , Self-Testing , Sexual and Gender Minorities , HIV Testing , Sexual Behavior
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 791-796, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985563


Objective: To understand the compliancy to on-demand HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and related factors in men who have sex with men (MSM) accessing to PrEP service through an Internet platform. Methods: A cross-sectional study method was used to recruit survey respondents through the Heer Health platform from July 6 to August 30, 2022, and a questionnaire survey on the current status of medication use was conducted in MSM who use PrEP through the platform and take medication on demand. The MSM's information collected in the survey mainly included socio-demographic characteristics, behavioral characteristics, risk perception characteristics, PrEP awareness and the status of dose taking. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to evaluate factors related with compliancy to PrEP. Results: A total of 330 MSM who met the recruitment criteria were included during the survey period, with a valid response rate of 96.7% (319/330) to the questionnaire survey. The age of the 319 MSM was (32.5±7.3) years. Most of them had education level of junior college or college and above (94.7%, 302/319), most of them were unmarried (90.3%, 288/319), most of them had full-time works (95.9%, 306/319), and 40.8% of them had average monthly income ≥10 000 yuan (130/319). The proportion of the MSM with good compliancy to PrEP was 86.5% (276/319). The results of univariate and multivariate logistic analyses showed that the MSM with good awareness of PrEP had relatively better compliancy to PrEP compared with those with poor awareness of PrEP (aOR=2.43, 95%CI:1.11-5.32). Conclusions: The compliancy to on-demand PrEP was good in MSM who accessed to the services through Internet platform, but there is still a need to strengthen PrEP promotion in MSM for the further improvement of PrEP compliancy and reduction of the risk for HIV infection in this population.

Male , Humans , Adult , HIV Infections , Cross-Sectional Studies , Homosexuality, Male , Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Internet
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 683-688, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985547


HIV testing is the first step in HIV prevention and control, the rate of HIV infection is high and the rate of HIV testing is low among men who have sex with men (MSM) in China. HIV self-testing provides MSM with a new choice and plays a vital role in expanding the coverage of HIV testing in this population. This paper reviews HIV self-testing and associated factors among MSM in China and provides a reference for promoting HIV self-testing in this population.

Male , Humans , HIV Infections/epidemiology , Homosexuality, Male , Self-Testing , Sexual and Gender Minorities , HIV Testing , China/epidemiology
Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine ; : 2-2, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971192


BACKGROUND@#Men who have sex with men (MSM) have become a high risk population of HIV infection due to their risky sexual behaviors. The latent pattern of psychosocial characteristics plays an important effect in HIV-related risky behaviors among HIV-negative MSM.@*METHOD@#Participants were recruited from Wuhan, Nanchang, and Changsha city from September 2017 to January 2018. Social support was assessed by the multidimensional scale of social support, Connor-Davidson Resilience scale-10 items for reliance, the assessment of Stigma towards Homosexuality for sexual minority stigma, the Likert subscale of nondisclosure for identity concealment, the ACE questionnaire-Kaiser-CDC for adverse childhood experience, the Centers for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale for depression. Latent profile analysis (LPA) and multivariate regression were used to analyze the data.@*RESULTS@#Three psychosocial characteristic patterns were revealed by the LPA. "Social support and resilience group" (SR group), "Identity concealment group" (IC group) and "Adverse childhood experience" (ACE group) were identified, respectively. In comparison with "SR group", "IC group" have a higher likelihood of one-night male partners (AOR = 2.74, 95%CI = [1.54, 4.90]), both fixed and one-night male partners (AOR = 2.01, 95%CI = [1.34, 3.01]) and HIV-unsure male partner (AOR = 2.12, 95%CI = [1.44, 3.13]). Similarly, "ACE group" were more likely having inconsistent condom use (AOR = 2.58, 95%CI = [1.41, 4.73]), and having sex with HIV-positive male partner (AOR = 4.90, 95%CI = [1.95, 12.30]) with comparison of "SR group". In addition, we further revealed that "ACE group" had a higher ratio (90.0%) of inconsistent condom use among MSM whose male partners were HIV-positive.@*CONCLUSIONS@#Six important psychosocial factors were divided into three latent pattern classes. Compared with "SR group", "IC group" and "ACE group" were more likely to engage in HIV-related risky sexual behaviors. Further research may pay more attention to "IC group" and "ACE group" for targeted intervention.

Humans , Male , HIV Infections/epidemiology , Homosexuality, Male/psychology , Risk Factors , Sexual and Gender Minorities/psychology , Sexual Behavior/psychology
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 486-490, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-969932


Monkeypox is a zoonosis caused by monkeypox virus. Monkeypox was endemic mainly in central and western Africa in the past. Since May 7, 2022, monkeypox outbreaks have been reported in many non-epidemic countries and regions around the world. As of December 25, 2022, monkeypox cases have been detected in 110 countries and areas. Moreover, human to human transmission, especially among men who have sex with men, has aroused high global concern. The incidence, transmission route and clinical characteristics of monkeypox in 2022 seemed different from those in the past. Therefore, this paper summarizes the progress in research of the changes of epidemiological characteristics of monkeypox, the clinical characteristics of monkeypox and its prevention and treatment to provide scientific evidence for the prevention and control of monkeypox.

Male , Animals , Humans , Monkeypox/epidemiology , Homosexuality, Male , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Zoonoses , Disease Outbreaks
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 452-456, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-969927


Objective: To investigate the association between the response to repeated negative HIV testing and the risk sexual behaviors in men who have sex with men (MSM) in Chengdu. Methods: A total of 610 MSM were recruited by convenience sampling method through Chengdu Tongle Health Consultation Service Centre from March to May 2022. Data were collected from the MSM through questionnaire survey, including the demographic characteristics, sexual behaviors in the past 6 months, the response to rerpeated negative HIV testing. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression models were conducted to analyze the association between the response to repeated negative HIV testing and risk sexual behavior. Results: A total of 579 (94.9%) participants participated in the questionnaire survey and 354 (61.1%) subjects were included in the study.For the negative HIV testing, some MSM believed that they had taken effective protection measures (17.03±2.20), some believed that they were lucky (7.50±1.87) and some believed that they were at low risk (8.87±3.62). Multivariate logistic regression model showed that protected sexual behavior was negatively associated with group sex (aOR=0.80, 95%CI: 0.67-0.95), lucky was positively associated with casual sex (aOR=1.20, 95%CI: 1.06-1.35), inconsistent condom use (aOR=1.21, 95%CI: 1.06-1.37), group sex (aOR=1.26, 95%CI: 1.00-1.60), and multiple sexual partners (aOR=1.24, 95%CI: 1.09-1.42) and low risk perception was positively associated with multiple sexual partners only (aOR=1.08, 95%CI: 1.01-1.15). Conclusions: There were high levels of recognition of protected sexual behavior and lucky dimensions in response to repeated negative HIV testing and well risk perception in MSM in Chengdu. In HIV testing and counseling services, intervention and risk warning should be strengthened in MSM who believed that they are lucky to improve their awareness of safe sex and reduce the negative effects of fluke mind.

Male , Humans , Homosexuality, Male , HIV Infections/prevention & control , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Sexual Behavior , HIV Testing , Logistic Models
Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine ; (12): 29-34, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-969839


Objective: To analyze the trajectories of HIV testing self-efficacy among men who have sex with men (MSM) based on latent class growth model. Methods: From August 2019 to May 2021, 404 MSM were recruited in Shandong Province and subjected to a 1-year follow-up study with individual intervention (pushing intervention pictures and videos in WeChat and follow-up questionnaires) and community intervention (forwarding to friends and sharing and discussing HIV testing-related information in WeChat groups). The level of HIV testing self-efficacy among MSM was measured. The long-term trend of HIV testing self-efficacy was analyzed using the latent class growth model (LCGM), and the influencing factors of the trend were analyzed. Results: A total of 404 MSM were (28.25±8.95) years old, with the oldest being 58 and the youngest being 18. The scores of HIV testing self-efficacy M(Q1, Q3) at baseline and 4 follow-ups were 18.00 (17.00, 21.00), 19.00 (18.00, 22.00), 19.00 (18.00, 22.00), 19.00 (18.00, 22.00) and 19.00 (18.00, 22.00). The results of the freely estimated two-category LCGM model showed that the trend of HIV testing self-efficacy among MSM could be divided into two classes, "intervention response group" [255(63.1%)] and "intervention non-response group" [149(36.9%)]. The former had a higher level of HIV testing self-efficacy which tended to increase at first and then decrease over time, while the latter had a lower and more stable level. The results of the multifactorial logistic regression analysis showed that the OR values of MSM in business or service and jobless or unemployed were 0.261 (95%CI: 0.108-0.633) and 0.186 (95%CI: 0.057-0.610), respectively, using the students as the reference group. Conclusion: There is a group heterogeneity in the trend of HIV testing self-efficacy in the intervention conditions among MSM, and occupation may be an influencing factor.

Male , Humans , Young Adult , Adult , Homosexuality, Male , HIV Infections/prevention & control , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Follow-Up Studies , Self Efficacy , HIV Testing
Psico (Porto Alegre) ; 54(1): 38042, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1435337


O artigo objetiva analisar experiências de preconceito contra sexualidades vivenciadas por estudantes, autodeclarados homens gays, na trajetória acadêmica. Constitui um estudo qualitativo com pressupostos metodológicos e epistemológicos feministas, no qual foram realizadas entrevistas narrativas com sete discentes, acessados por meio da técnica snowball, sendo os dados discutidos com base na análise crítica do discurso. A universidade e outros espaços (festas e repúblicas universitárias), tomados como uma extensão da instituição, são vistos como ambientes mais acolhedores e libertários para as experiências não heterossexuais, no entanto, em muitos casos, (re)produzem dinâmicas complexas de preconceito que reforçam a manutenção de tais experiências no campo do privado, colaborando para a manutenção da lógica heteronormativa. Sugere-se a criação de espaços para troca de experiências como importante ferramenta de emergência de sujeitos políticos que compreendam criticamente o contexto que os cerca e desconstruam os mecanismos de poder que produzem silenciamento e naturalizam violências

The article aims to analyze experiences of prejudice against sexualities experienced by students, self-declared gay men, in the academic trajectory. It constitutes a qualitative study with methodological and epistemological assumptions of feminist theories, in which narrative interviews were conducted with seven students, accessed through the snowball technique, and the data were discussed based on critical discourse analysis. The university and other spaces (university parties and student republics), considered as an extension of the institution, are viewed as more welcoming and libertarian environments for non-heterosexual experiences, however, in many cases, it (re) produces complex dynamics of prejudice that reinforce the maintenance of such experiences in the private fi eld, contributing to the maintenance of logic heteronormative. It is suggested the creation of spaces for the exchange of experiences as an important tool for the emergence of political subjects who critically understand the context that surrounds them and deconstruct the mechanisms of power that produce silencing and naturalize violence

El artículo tiene como objetivo analizar las experiencias de prejuicio contra las sexualidades vividas por estudiantes, hombres homosexuales autodeclarados, en la trayectoria académica. Constituye un estudio cualitativo con supuestos metodológicos y epistemológicos de las teorías feministas, en el que se realizaron entrevistas narrativas a siete estudiantes, a las que se ac-cedió mediante la técnica snowball, y se discutieron los datos con base en el análisis crítico del discurso. La universidad y otros espacios (fiestas universitarias y hermandades de estudiantes), tomados como una extensión de la institución, son vistos como ambientes más acogedores y libertarios para las experiencias no heterosexuales, sin embargo, en muchos casos, (re) produce dinámicas complejas de prejuicio que refuerzan el mantenimiento de tales experiencias en el ámbito privado, contribuyendo al mantenimiento de la lógica. heteronormativo. Se sugiere la creación de espacios para el intercambio de experiencias como una herramienta importante para el surgimiento de sujetos políticos que comprendan críticamente el contexto que los rodea y deconstruyan los mecanismos de poder que producen el silencio y naturalizan la violencia

Humans , Male , Young Adult , Prejudice , Homosexuality, Male , Homophobia , Sexism , Gender Diversity , Students
Rev. méd. Urug ; 38(2): e38206, jun. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1389692


Resumen: Introducción: por ser los varones gais y los hombres que tienen sexo con hombres (HSH) una población con mayor incidencia de virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH), ONUSIDA recomienda el monitoreo periódico mediante encuestas que releven información para reportar indicadores de prevención. La implementación de estos estudios en nuestro medio es limitada debido a la complejidad y costos de las metodologías tradicionales. Objetivo: generar información actualizada sobre prevención del VIH, con énfasis en uso de condón y realización de pruebas de tamizaje en gais/HSH de 15 a 49 años en Uruguay, implementando una estrategia metodológica innovadora. Material y método: estudio de corte transversal y analítico, en base a una encuesta online disponible entre octubre y diciembre de 2019. Resultados: se incluyeron 693 varones, 67% de Montevideo y 67% con nivel educativo terciario. Un 17% fue forzado a mantener relaciones sexuales alguna vez, 20% sufrió maltrato por su orientación y 68,4% ocultaba su orientación sexoafectiva en algún grado. Un 57,2% usó condón en la última relación sexual anal casual, observándose un descenso respecto al año 2012 (67,6%), mientras que la tendencia en la cobertura de prueba de VIH (66%) fue creciente comparada con estudios previos. La proporción de positividad de VIH fue de 13,3%. El análisis multivariado mostró que la menor probabilidad de uso de condón se asocia a: pareja estable en el último año, autoidentificación gay, prueba de VIH en el último año y vacunación para virus papiloma humano. La mayor probabilidad de uso se asoció a: participación en actividades de información, relaciones sexuales con personas con ITS/VIH. La menor probabilidad de realización de prueba de VIH se asoció con pareja estable y la mayor con el conocimiento de lugares de acceso a prueba y conocimiento de la profilaxis posexposición. Entre quienes conocían la profilaxis preexposición (375), 46,1% estaba dispuesto a recibirla y 1,3% había accedido. Conclusiones: la persistencia de situaciones de discriminación y violencia hacia varones gais/HSH necesita acciones más efectivas de promoción de derechos. Es necesario integrar innovaciones biomédicas en prevención que se complementen y potencien para el control de la epidemia. El uso de una encuesta en línea fue eficiente en el reclutamiento, aunque con sesgos en la selección, lo que desafía a mejorar esta estrategia metodológica.

Summary: Introduction: as gay men and men who have sex with men (MSM) constitute a population with a greater incidence of HIV, UNAIDS recommends regular surveillance by means of surveys that provide information that allows reporting prevention indicators. The implementation of these studies is limited in our context given the high complexity and costs of traditional methodologies. Objectives: to generate updated information about HIV prevention, with an emphasis on condom use and to implement screening tests in gay/MSM population between 15 and 49 years old in Uruguay, using an innovative methodological strategy. Method: transversal, analytical study by means of a web-based survey available between October and December 2019. Results: 693 men were included in the study, 67% from Montevideo and 67% of which had university studies. 17% of them had been forced to have sex in the past, 20% had suffered abuse because of their sexual orientation and 68.4% concealed their sex-affective orientation to some extent. 57.2% used condoms in their last casual anal sexual relationship, what evidences a decrease with regard to 2012 (67.6%), whereas a growing tendency in the HIV test coverage (66%) was observed, when compared to previous studies. HIV positivity rate was 13.3%. The multivariate analysis revealed a lower probability of condom use was associated to: a stable partner in the last year, gay self-identification, HIV test in the last year and having the HPV vaccine. The greater likelihood of use was associated to: participating in informative activities, having sex with people with STD/HIV. The lowest probability of having an HIV test was associated to a stable partner and the highest was associated to knowing where they could get tested for HIV and also knowing about the post-exposure prophylaxis. When considering those who knew about the pre-exposure prophylaxis (375), 46.1% was willing to receive it and 1.3% had agreed to it. Conclusions: the continuation of discrimination and violence towards gay men and MSM needs more effective right promoting actions. We need to integrate into prevention biomedical innovations that complement and leverage one another. The web-based survey was effective in terms of recruiting, although there were bias in the selection, what results challenging to improve the methodological strategy.

Resumo: Introdução: como gays e homens que fazem sexo com homens (HSH) são uma população com maior incidência de HIV, o UNAIDS recomenda o monitoramento regular por meio de pesquisas que coletem informações para calcular indicadores de prevenção. A implementação desses estudos em nosso ambiente é limitada devido à complexidade e custo das metodologias tradicionais. Objetivo: gerar informações atualizadas sobre prevenção do HIV, com ênfase no uso de preservativos e testes de triagem em gays/HSH de 15 a 49 anos no Uruguai, implementando uma estratégia metodológica inovadora. Método: estudo transversal e analítico, baseado em questionário online disponível entre outubro e dezembro de 2019. Resultados: foram incluídos 693 homens, 67% de Montevidéu e 67% com nível superior. 17% foram obrigados a ter relações sexuais em algum momento, 20% sofreram maus-tratos devido à sua orientação e 68,4% ocultaram sua orientação sexual-afetiva em algum grau. 57,2% usaram preservativo na última relação anal casual, mostrando um decréscimo em relação a 2012 (67,6%), enquanto a tendência da cobertura do teste anti-HIV (66%) foi de aumento em relação a estudos anteriores. A taxa de positividade do HIV foi de 13,3%. A análise multivariada mostrou menor probabilidade de uso de preservativo associado a: parceiro estável no último ano, autoidentificação gay, teste de HIV no último ano e vacinação para papiloma vírus humano. A maior probabilidade de uso esteve associada a: participação em atividades informativas, relações sexuais com pessoas com IST/HIV. A menor probabilidade de realização do teste anti-HIV foi associada ao parceiro estável e a maior ao conhecimento dos locais de acesso ao teste e conhecimento da profilaxia pós-exposição. Entre os que conheciam a profilaxia pré-exposição (375), 46,1% estavam dispostos a recebê-la, 1,3% já haviam recebido. Conclusões: a persistência de situações de discriminação e violência contra gays/HSH requer ações mais efetivas de promoção de direitos. É necessário integrar inovações biomédicas na prevenção que se complementem e se fortaleçam para o controle da epidemia. A utilização de uma pesquisa online foi eficiente no recrutamento, embora com vieses de seleção, o que desafia a melhorar essa estratégia metodológica.

Humans , Male , Health Surveys , HIV , Homosexuality, Male/statistics & numerical data
Rev. chil. infectol ; 39(3): 340-344, jun. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407784


Resumen El linfogranuloma venéreo (LGV) es una infección de transmisión sexual (ITS) causada por Chlamydia trachomatis. En los últimos años, ha emergido principalmente en hombres que tienen sexo con hombres (HSH). Es frecuente su asociación con otras ITS como el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) y la sífilis. Si bien el compromiso genital es la forma de presentación clásica, el síndrome anorrectal constituye el principal cuadro clínico en la actualidad. Presentamos el caso de un HSH con infección por VIH en terapia anti-retroviral, herpes genital recurrente y sífilis latente tratada, sin viajes recientes al extranjero, con adenopatías inguinales fistulizadas a piel, asociada a una úlcera genital dolorosa, sin síntomas anorrectales ni sistémicos, refractario a múltiples tratamientos antibacterianos y antivirales. El estudio con RPC de secreción de la fístula fue positiva a C. trachomatis. Se trató con doxiciclina por seis semanas, con buena respuesta clínica, sin complicaciones.

Abstract Lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) is a sexually transmitted infection caused by Chlamydia trachomatis bacteria. In the past years, it has emerged as a relevant infectious agent, mainly affecting men who have sex with men (MSM), frequently associated with other sexually transmitted infections as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and syphilis. Even though genital lesions correspond to the classical presentation of LGV, nowadays anorectal syndrome is more frequently reported. We present a MSM patient, HIV infected, being treated with antiretroviral drugs, with a history of recurrent genital herpes, also recently treated for a syphilis in a latent stage. He had no recent trips. He referred inguinal fistulized enlarged lymph nodes, associated with a painful genital ulcer, he denied anorectal or systemic symptoms. He had been treated with multiple antibiotic and antiviral drugs, with no clinical response. Molecular studies from the content of the fistulized lymph node identified C. trachomatis. The patient received doxycycline for 6 weeks, showing good clinical response.

Humans , Male , Adult , Lymphogranuloma Venereum/complications , Lymphogranuloma Venereum/diagnosis , Lymphogranuloma Venereum/drug therapy , Sexually Transmitted Diseases , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Antiviral Agents/therapeutic use , Syphilis/complications , Syphilis/diagnosis , Syphilis/drug therapy , HIV Infections/complications , HIV Infections/drug therapy , Chile , Chlamydia trachomatis , Doxycycline/therapeutic use , Homosexuality, Male , Genitalia/pathology , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use
Rev. chil. infectol ; 39(3): 345-348, jun. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407785


Resumen Neisseria meningitidis es una bacteria gramnegativa asociada frecuentemente a enfermedades invasoras de elevada mortalidad. Si bien su reservorio natural es la nasofaringe humana, en los últimos años han aumentado los aislamientos de este agente en la mucosa anorectal, principalmente en hombres que tienen sexo con hombres (HSH). Presentamos el caso de un HSH con infección por VIH, que consultó por un cuadro de uretritis y sifilis primaria, en el cual se aisló N. meningitidis en una muestra anorectal. Fue tratado en forma empírica con ceftriaxona y azitromicina, realizándose un cultivo de control post-tratamiento que fue negativo. A pesar del aumento de las infecciones y colonizaciones anogenitales por N. meningitidis, se desconoce su rol como patógeno genital, en la transmisión de otras infecciones y la necesidad de esquemas terapéuticos específicos.

Abstract Neisseria meningitidis is a Gram-negative bacterium frequently associated with invasive diseases with high mortality. Although its natural reservoir is the human nasopharynx, in recent years there have been increasing reports of isolation of this agent in the anorectal mucosa, mainly in men who have sex with men (MSM). We present the case of an HIV-positive MSM who consulted for urethritis and primary syphilis, in which N. meningitidis was isolated in an anorectal specimen. He was treated empirically with ceftriaxone and azithromycin, and a post-treatment control culture was negative. Despite the increase in anogenital infections and colonization by N. meningitidis, its role is unknown as a genital pathogen and in the transmission of other infections and the need for specific therapeutic regimens.

Humans , Male , Adult , Homosexuality, Male , Neisseria meningitidis/isolation & purification , Ceftriaxone/therapeutic use , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/drug therapy , Azithromycin , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Meningococcal Infections/drug therapy
Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine ; : 21-21, 2022.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-928840


BACKGROUND@#Men who have sex with men (MSM), as a marginal population, has been largely ignored by health service projects. We assessed the utilization of HIV testing and counselling services and its influencing factors based on Andersen's Behavioral Model, so as to provide a theoretical basis for future infectious disease prevention and control strategies and health services policy formulation for these population.@*METHOD@#This was a cross-sectional study. A sample survey was conducted in Western China, and an anonymous self-administered questionnaire survey was conducted among MSM. Based on Andersen's Behavioral Model, the questionnaire divided the influencing factors into predisposing factor, enabling factor and need factor. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to explore the factors influencing the utilization of HIV testing and counselling.@*RESULTS@#There were 3184 valid questionnaires. In the survey of HIV health services, 82.85% MSM had HIV testing and 64.98% MSM had HIV counselling, respectively. Among the predisposing factor, age 25 years old and over was a facilitator of HIV testing and counselling, and ethnicity was a factor associated with HIV testing. Among the enabling factor, MSM living in urban were more likely to have access to testing and counselling services, and income was also linked to HIV testing. Among the need factor, a high level of HIV knowledge could promote testing and counselling, and a history of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) was a facilitator of testing.@*CONCLUSIONS@#HIV testing is widespread in Western China and higher than counselling service. MSM with high-risk characteristics should be identified as a priority in the future public health services.

Adult , Humans , Male , Counseling , Cross-Sectional Studies , HIV Infections/prevention & control , HIV Testing , Homosexuality, Male , Sexual and Gender Minorities
Acta Academiae Medicinae Sinicae ; (6): 221-226, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-927869


Objective To investigate the rate and correlates of receiving human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) serostatus disclosure from their most recent male sexual partners among men who have sex with men(MSM) aged 50 and above. Methods With a geosocial networking application,we recruited participants through online convenience sampling to collect the demographic variables,behavioral information,receiving HIV serostatus disclosure,etc.Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to interpret the associated factors of receiving HIV serostatus disclosure. Results Overall,38.4%(398/1037) of participants received HIV serostatus disclosure from their most recent male sexual partners.The multivariable analysis demonstrated that the following populations were less likely to receive HIV serostatus disclosure from their most recent male sexual partners:participants with junior high school degree or below(OR=0.660,95%CI=0.473-0.922, P=0.015) compared to those with senior high school degree or above;participants unemployed(OR=0.537,95%CI=0.322-0.896, P=0.017) and employed(OR=0.663,95%CI=0.466-0.944, P=0.022) compared to those retired;participants without knowledge about HIV or acquired immune deficiency syndrome(AIDS) compared to those with knowledge about HIV/AIDS(OR=0.636,95%CI=0.466-0.868, P=0.004);participants having ≥2 male sexual partners in the last year(OR=0.433,95%CI=0.320-0.586, P<0.001) compared to those having none or one male sexual partner;participants never been tested for HIV(OR=0.544,95%CI=0.403-0.734, P<0.001) compared to those ever been tested for HIV;participants ever been diagnosed to have sexually transmitted infection(STI)(OR=0.472,95%CI=0.349-0.637, P<0.001) compared to those never diagnosed to have STI;and participants with higher level of HIV stigma(OR=0.742,95%CI=0.604-0.912, P=0.005). Conclusions Our findings indicated that the MSM aged 50 and above had low possibility of receiving HIV serostatus disclosure from the most recent male sexual partners.Education,employment status,number of sexual partners,HIV/AIDS-related knowledge,HIV testing behaviors,STI infection history,and HIV stigma contributed to this result.

Female , Humans , Male , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome , Disclosure , HIV , HIV Infections , Homosexuality, Male , Sexual Behavior , Sexual Partners , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/diagnosis